#Kaizen and #LeanTransformation: the highly effective methodologies for reducing non-value-added activities, optimizing processes and improving products and services are now even more accessible thanks to the # facilitation included in the chapter "Industry 4.0".
Increasing the company's reputation and lastingly impacting the increase in margins are just some of the advantages that today LeanBet is able to offer its customers, but with a novelty: thanks to the new partnership with Eurast srl, the #consulting and # training necessary to achieve these important goals will be able to benefit from consistent #financial benefits, up to - in some cases - #cancelling completely the #cost for the company.
Eurast's service takes the form of supporting businesses for accessing financial benefits and obtaining tax credits.
A team of specialists supports companies step by step in the world of subsidized finance, offering tailor-made solutions for maximum benefit and savings.
An unmissable opportunity for those aiming for maximum competitiveness on the reference market.
If you want to learn more, write to us!
LEANBET SRL Management consulting
📨 info@leanbet.eu
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